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*"DECCA" was a hyperbolic radionavigation system. It was developed during the Second World War by the Allies to allow precise landings. The system was turned off in the spring of 2000 when GPS took over.

8 hp
25 mm deep
20mA +12V
5mA -12V

This module is a manual control module for modular synth. Thought for live performance or to bring more manual control while recording in "one take" the module is, at the same time:
-Voltage source 
-Manual CV-Gate
-Muting - Control module

Details & use:

Two voltage source's outputs (at the top) provides voltages from 0 to 5V*. Those voltages are buffered thru op-amp and are controllable by potentiometers. Each have a dedicated button-switch so the selected voltages can be applied precisely (for exemple applying it on filter's cv's, oscillator's fm, delay's cv, etc.) on one part of the sequence, for eg. or desired moment.
Those buttons are maintained (enable/disable, stays active when pressed) and are illuminated when "on".
The voltage sources, beside their use for manual cv modulation, are also very useful in all situation where fixed voltages are needed (to fix and keep desired cv amount, accent on drum modules for ex. or when using an external instruments who works on line level so much more quite than modular- once connected to a modular-you'll need a constant voltage to keep the VCA permanently open so that the instrument can reach the modular's level and you can hear it, use it normally, etc.

The four grey button-switches (on the sides) are the simple manual gates and are momentary with no latency. They will send gate signal as long as you keep them pressed (led indicated). 
You'll use them to trigger manually an envelopes, play drum modules for eg, apply it on any other cv/gate input.. 

The three illuminated button-switches have inputs so they can be used to mute signals.  
The two on the bottom are maintained while the one in the middle is momentary - for the bigger flexibility of use. The button's leds will indicate the signal going thru.
You'll use those switches to stop, mute one signal let go another one, break a sequence's gate with another one from the another switch, etc. -all under your fingers!
If nothing is plugged in the inputs of those switches they'll find their manual gate use-just like their neighbor buttons.

Made for more fun with a modular!

Note*: Even if the voltage sources potentiometers provide precise manipulation, due to illuminated buttons the max 5V value may vary so its not recommended to use it to tune an oscillator for ex.
For the same reason the 3 gates with inputs used for muting function similar to passive mult but because of presence of leds the "sensible" signals like 1V/oct, peak detection, etc. should be avoided.

Modulaire Maritime "Decca", Eurorack module

120,00 €Price
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